The ambition of Salkia Shree Seba Foundation is to serve the society by the gift of ancient Rishi, Muni like Yoga, Meditation, Councelling and Diet chart with love and affection with spirit of motherhood. The Foundation wants to make the society physically healthy, mentally strong to keep their wits about.
The foundation believe that if the Physical condition, mental condition and wisdom is health the only one can concentrate in his/her work then the target is fixed then the success will be achieved. As a result the whole society will develop in this way Salika Shree Seba Foundation is reserving the society and trying to develop the society Salika Shree Seba Foundation is serving the society with spirit of motherhood and love continuously. At present S.S.S.F. is standing by and serving unprivileged people of T.E. of Doors by providing them diet chart, providing them food articles like gram, soya-been, Nuts etc. as per the diet chart and their uses and also provide clothes.